Jan/Feb 25 ssprodeals

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The Hunt is on for $300 in Prizes!


Find the hidden beauty gems sprinkled throughout our website and be entered to win $300 in prizes! 

Here are your clues for where to look on SalonServicesPro.com:
  1. YouTube is cool but our How-To's are better!
  2. Salon Services just changed to plastic-free shipping! We had to share it with everyone!
  3. Frizz is a... but with this brand, it doesn’t have to be.
  4. We always want to know more about you. Do you want to know more about us?
  5. Salon Services is different than any other beauty supplier! What makes us so special?
  6. We started carrying this skin care brand back in 1993 and it makes us glow!
  7. This Italian hair care company hits the mark with their sustainability and product performance. Grazie!
  8. Born from the same philosophy as skin care, this hair care brand was created by a session stylist. 

You must find all 8 hidden beauty gems to be entered to win $300 in prizes! Once you find them all, contact us and tell us all 8 locations of the hidden beauty gems. You will then be entered to win! Contest ends 8/15/19.