Mar/Apr 25 Promos

unite protects

(1 Items)
  • 97225 780718 780718 1 Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer & Black Duffle 2 pc. UNITE PROTECTS UNITE PROTECTS Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer & Black Duffle 2 pc. False uniteprotects/uniteprotectssprayerandduffle.jpg Special Offer Available 750.00 750.00 750.00 False False False False 0.00 False False Diversion contract is required 0 UNITE PROTECTS Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer & Black Duffle is designed to quickly and accurately kill germs on contact, both on and under surfaces. It provides an electrical charge to the solution, allowing the spray to wrap around surfaces saving your salon time and money while creating a safe environment for both you and your clients. True Log in to view pricing. False
    UNITE PROTECTS Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer & Black Duffle 2 pc.

    Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer & Black Duffle

    2 pc.

    SKU 780718

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(1 Items)