Jan/Feb 25 ssprodeals
Hotheads Remove Extension Solvent Solution 6.4 Fl. Oz.

Essentials Remove Extension Solvent Solution

by Hotheads

  • SKU: 444317
  • Size: 6.4 Fl. Oz.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
Alcohol-based solution used to remove Hotheads Hair Extensions and Hair Wear easily without leaving messy or gummy residue. This solution evaporates allowing the extensions to be re-taped for reapplication within 10 minutes of removal.

The Hotheads Haircare was developed as a daily use system with specially chosen nutrients to keep hair extensions beautiful and healthy. Most products contain alcohol, oil, sulfate or ethanol and are not recommended as they can dry the hair and cause the extension adhesive to be weakened. Hotheads Wet Line is made from the purest ingredients, giving extensions the nourishment to last longer and look amazing.