Jan/Feb 25 ssprodeals
Hotheads Clean Shampoo 8 Fl. Oz.

Clean Shampoo

by Hotheads

  • SKU: MHHX170
  • Size: 8 Fl. Oz.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
Fulfilled and shipped by Marketplace; charge appears as Luxury Beauty Marketplace.
Gentle enough for daily use
Flash lathering property that quickly creates a gentle cleansing foam
Does not strip extensions of essential oils
Adds shine and strength
Naturally tones and moisturizes the scalp
Will not dry out scalp, hair or extensions

This sulfate-free gentle cleanser combines a soothing base of Jojoba to cleanse the hair and scalp while restoring their natural pH balance.

Ylang Ylang from the exotic nation of Sumatra is known for its balancing action that keeps hair and scalp from becoming too oily or too dry.

Sea Buckthorn contains plentiful nutrients, rare fatty acids and phytosterols that protect cell membranes and promote healthy, well-nourished hair with a balance of essential oils.

Sulfate and Paraben-Free.
Wet hair thoroughly.
Massage a small amount into hair and scalp and rinse well.
Repeat if necessary.
Jojoba, Sumatran Ylang Ylang, Russian Sea Buckthorn