Jan/Feb 25 ssprodeals
Milbon CREATIVE STYLE Styling Trial Kit 12 pc.

CREATIVE STYLE Styling Trial Kit

by Milbon

  • SKU: 57725
  • Size: 12 pc.
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
Milbon CREATIVE STYLE Styling Trial Kit includes the creative style line of products.

Purchase 1 Each:
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Texturizing Sea Mist #3 6.4 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Dry Texturizing Mist #4 9.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Satin Texturizing Cream #3 2.1 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Matte Texturizing Paste #8 2.1 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Molding Wax #3 3.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Molding Wax #5 3.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wet Shine Gel Cream #5 5.3 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wet Shine Gel Cream #8 5.3 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wave Enhancing Mousse #4 7.1 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Refreshing Dry Shampoo 5.6 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Finish Strong Hold Hairspray #7 9 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Finish Extra Strong Hold Hairspray #10 9 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Texturizing Sea Mist #3 6.4 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Dry Texturizing Mist #4 9.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Satin Texturizing Cream #3 2.1 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Texture Matte Texturizing Paste #8 2.1 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Molding Wax #3 3.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Molding Wax #5 3.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wet Shine Gel Cream #5 5.3 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wet Shine Gel Cream #8 5.3 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wave Enhancing Mousse #4 7.1 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Refreshing Dry Shampoo 5.6 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Finish Strong Hold Hairspray #7 9 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Finish Extra Strong Hold Hairspray #10 9 oz.

Receive 1 Each FREE:
CREATIVE STYLE Volume Thickening Mist #4 6.4 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Molding Wax #7 3.5 oz.
CREATIVE STYLE Wave Defining Cream #1 4.2 oz.