Mar/Apr 25 Promos


Our Stores Are OPEN!


We would like to thank each and every one of our customers for your continued support during this time! We are excited to announce that all of our Stores have opened to allow in-store shopping!
Store Hours:

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday

We opened with the health & safety of customers and staff as our top priority. We also wanted to ensure your shopping experience is easy and safe. Please take a moment to watch this video to review measures we put in place.

We minimized the number of customers allowed in our stores - based on local guidelines.
Please wait outside if the door is locked when you arrive. When capacity allows the door will be unlocked for you to enter.

Sanitized Baskets are available for you to use while shopping - and will be clearly marked.
Our Store Associates will take your basket at check out to sanitize for the next customer.

We have installed floor decals to direct you on where to stand in line for checkout.
Please respect the physical distancing in effect.

Our Curbside Pickup service will continue to be available!
Log into your account on
From the menu bar click “choose a store location”
Find you location from the pop up menu and click “Set As Store”
You can now begin shopping from the selected location
Add items you need to your cart - then check out
You will receive an email notification once your order is ready for pickup!