Mar/Apr 25 Promos

Giving Back

Join the #youMatter Movement


There is an endless supply of misery and negativity in this world. Simply scrolling through our social media or reading the news can leave us emotionally drained. It is no wonder that acts of kindness, love, and selflessness are so virally shared amongst us. We crave to know that we are better than the bad news we read. It is hopeful knowing there are people out there creating countless opportunities to impact the people around us. People who inspire us to be a part of the solution and better people… to ourselves… to others. Every day we have the opportunity to make the world a better place. We only need to seize the opportunity and act. #youMatterboxes is this example. Random acts of kindness and an opportunity seized through daily actions of love, positivity, and selflessness. And in a month of gratitude and thankfulness, we are grateful for you, Kimmie and Kendra Moore.

--All of us at Salon Services

We have all read stories about amazing people setting in motion a virtuous cycle of good deeds that eventually change the world for the better – you will be happy to know that such kindness in the world does indeed exist.

In 2015, when a best friends’ mom was diagnosed and succumbed to Triple Negative Breast Cancer, mother and daughter, Kimmie and Kendra Moore, found a way to extend their compassion to others affected by cancer. After a conversation with some friends, they came up with the idea to start Chemo Care Bags and Chemo Care Bags for Kids. “What do we do when something like this happens in our community? What can we do? We support. We cheer.”

With a premise of showing kindness and compassion to someone fighting cancer, they have sent out over 450 of these anonymous bags to date. Filled with self-care items and other keepsakes, their Cancer Care Bags are completely free. “The only thing we charge for is shipping. Through donations and gifts by others, who want to participate and support, we are able to surprise very important people and brighten their day.”

It was these care bags that stemmed their second project, #youMatterboxes

In September 2018, their community was devastated when two kids took their lives. “Once again, something affected us so deeply that we wanted to help and wondered what we could do.” It was from this that #youMatterboxes was created. “#youMatterboxes was started to bring hope to those who are discouraged and don’t know their significance in the world. We know that life is so good, and we can go through dark valleys, but it does get better. These boxes come sometimes at the perfect time when people really need it…. when we know they need it.”

Kimmie’s partner and daughter, Kendra (age 17), sees kids who are sad and she wants to reach out. Simple gifts to create that pay it forward feeling. “When you see someone struggling and know it would be nice for them to get a surprise”. This is the foundation of what #youMatterboxes is all about. “I know that if someone sent me something, something that would make my day, something that could interrupt the way I was feeling, it could create a course correction.” By sharing a simple message – you matter – with people who are struggling, they believe that they have an opportunity to be a positive influence in someone’s life and lift them up.

Why #youMatterboxes
There are people who love the things that you don’t love about yourself. Even if they aren’t in your life right now. You have a purpose and it may yet to be discovered. Your life is meaningful. These boxes are for humans who are struggling, who can’t see a way out. We need to find a way to let them know they matter. That they are important. That people are capable of kindness. They are a catalyst to change your outlook, make a difference, and inspire others to do the same. We want to lift someone’s spirits, see them through the dark valley and even save a life.

#youMatter is about being a #daymaker. About seeing how to make someone’s day. They are for anyone and for any age. And they are free. There is a $10 fee for shipping and we currently accept donations to sponsor a box. They are sent completely anonymous. Our goal is let someone know, possibly at the moment they need to know, that someone is thinking about them and that they matter. They are filled with a variety of tokens meant to make someone’s day.

#youMatterboxes have been sent with:
Lifesavers candy
#youMatter wrist bands
Happy Face Emoji stress ball
$5 Starbucks gift cards
Live Happy pen and a notepad for thoughts
#youMatter rock (donated and decorated by #daymakers)
Self-care items, such as sheet masks and eye masks
Sticky notes from Live Happy
Lip balm
Angel coin

The Wrist Bands
We created “You Matter” wrist bands to be a big reminder for friends, loved ones and strangers that they matter. They allow us to connect with people in a more human way.
They are currently $1 and are their most frequently purchased item.

How can you help?
We are always needing donations for items to fill the boxes with, drawings, hand written notes, and decorated USPS Priority Shipping boxes add the personal touch and the humanity we are trying to share with others. We also accept donations to pay it forward and cover shipping costs.

Join the Movement and Be a Part of the #youMatter Conversation
Follow their Facebook page @YouMatterMoore and their Facebook group: youMatter

What’s Next?
We are currently working on getting a 501c and becoming a non-profit organization. We are starting to work with local schools and churches to expand the movement into our communities. The Chemo Care Bags and #youMatterboxes have become bigger than we ever imagined, and we see how much more they can do, how much more we want to do.