Learn how you can cultivate Radical Resilience and change your life in ways you never thought possible!
Salon Services is please to introduce the first in a series of online offerings designed to help you, your business, and our industry thrive. We are thrilled to join with Gonzaga University in sponsoring a presentation on “Radical Resilience” by Dr. Deanna Davis.
Deanna Davis, PhD, MPH serves as CEO (Creative Energy Optimizer) of Applied Insight, LLC, where she helps individuals thrive and businesses create results that matter. She has 25 years’ experience as an executive, leadership coach, strategic consultant, and small business owner. Dr. Davis holds a PhD in Leadership from Gonzaga University and a Master of Public Health Degree from the University of Washington.
Join us for this online opportunity to learn, laugh, and lean in to what’s possible when you cultivate radical resilience and spark remarkable results in life and at work. Using small steps you will customize your own unique approach to building resilience, well-being, happiness, and (yes, it’s true) better results in every area of your life!
Your Morning Matrix

A two-minute daily practice that prepares your mindset to help experience more of what you want and less of what you don’t want throughout the day - achieving better results in the process.
Get Your Free Copy HERE!
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