Mar/Apr 25 Promos


Salon Spotlight: Summit Salon Academy


When your closest friend goes through cancer, not once, but multiple times, life changes! For everyone life changes and you have choices to make. You can go into denial or... you can take action. Breast Cancer awareness is near and dear to our hearts because so many in our circle have been affected. Our wonderful friend Sydney Berry introduced us to Wings of Karen and the work that Kristi Blair and all the volunteers were doing. We went to our first Wings of Karen event and were hooked! The indomitable force that is Kristi grabbed us and nothing has been the same since! We strongly believe in Wings of Karen because of their grass roots mission to fund important research locally – we love that 95 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to the fight for a cure, and how important that is to scientists to multiply that funding into getting larger grants in search of a cure.

We feel a strong drive to give back to the community that supports us and our students. We participated in the Pink Carpet fundraising event and also several years of the 5K Bra Dash. In 2014, we sponsored a tent at the 5K Bra Dash and offered free temporary pink highlights to dashers. We wanted to give our students an opportunity to utilize their imagination and creativity while getting real world experience and helping a fantastic cause, and thus, Hair BRA-Zaar was born three years ago! Over the course of the last three years, we have raised $28,797 for Wings of Karen!

The Hair BRA-Zaar is special because each of our students and staff have an opportunity to play to their strengths to put on a special event. We would be unable to pull off such an amazing event without the hard work of so many people. We are lucky to have generous donors and sponsors that help us create a magical event. As the event has grown, we have expanded to include the work of alumni as well as current students.

“Every year, this event provides the opportunity to meet strong and amazing women that remind me to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment.” –Amy Rohloff of Brassfield’s Salon and Spa, Summit Salon Academy Alumni

“I absolutely love the creativity that this event brings out in all involved and that it is a positive way for those who have been touched by this disease to give back.”
–Rachel Tomlinson of Brassfield’s Salon and Spa, Summit Salon Academy Alumni

Summit Salon Academy opened its doors for students on September 18, 2006. We are proud to now
be closely aligned with the Summit Salon Business Center, recognized as a leader in providing business-consulting services in all facets of the beauty industry. We constantly strive to evaluate our curriculum and systems to keep up to date with the ever changing needs of the beauty industry and today’s business climate. We are affiliated with some of the most sought-after brands in the industry. We are a Dermalogica Partnership School. Summit Salon Academy is passionate about delivering the kind of education that makes a difference in the lives of our students and the industry at large. Our curriculum is designed to teach not only the technical skills needed to become a Cosmetologist or Esthetician but also the essential business and customer service skills vital to growing a clientele in the professional beauty industry. In addition, we prepare our students to take the Washington State Board licensing exam.

Karen & Michael Shea
Summit Salon Academy
3702 S. Fife Street, Suite B102
Tacoma, WA 98409